Our good friend, Dr. John Beech, from Beech Chiropractic and Functional Medicine in Turlock, CA has challenged us to the 10-Day FedUp Challenge. The goal is to GO SUGAR FREE FOR 10 DAYS, by cutting sodas and other sweetened beverages and foods that have ADDED sugars. We are choosing to EAT real, fresh, whole foods and stop consuming all products that contain ADDED sugar. This includes all artificial sugars and sugar substitutes.
Consider These Statistics
When Dr. Fletcher started dental school, only 12% of Americans were statistically overweight. Today, nearly 35% of American adults and almost 1 in 5 children are obese - not just overweight, but clinically and diagnostically obese. How many people is that? The total estimate is near 93 Million Americans that are obese!
In 1980, there were ZERO reported cases of childhood Type II diabetes. In 2010, that number swelled to over 57,000 cases of Type II diabetes in kids ages 8-19. That is absolutely ridiculous!
Why Is This All About Sugar?
Sugar has the same addictive properties as tobacco and alcohol and the more sugar you eat, the more you need to satisfy your craving. Sugar can be found in an alarming amount of foods, and half of it is hidden by calling it one of its 56 other sneaky names, it can be hard to determine exactly how much sugar is in any particular product.
Are You Saying That All Sugar Is Bad?
Natural sugars that you find in fruit are fine. (Not fruit juice though!). We are concerned about the ADDED sugars. We are also concerned with the artificial sweeteners because they increase hunger. Our goal during this challenge is to stay away from ADDED sugars and all artificial sweetners.
How Much Is Bad?
The American Heart Association has put together the following recommendations. Check out the number of recommended teaspoons each day: